On the way to Steinaker Park – Taking as many pictures as I do, I’ve come up with some strange categories. This picture ranks highly in the “Landscape Photo Taken While Pumping Gas’ category.

After Bonneville Seabase it was time to head east to meet up with Lana’s cousins from glorious New Jersey. They had rented their RV in Salt Lake City a few days in advance of our meeting and had hit a couple national parks in the southern part of the state. Mostly because there were still two camping spots next to each other, we ended up meeting at Steinaker State Park, in the north eastern corner of the state.

While driving east through the state, I couldn’t help but notice the varied terrain. I had always thought of Utah as a dry desert state (which it is in many areas), but there are some impressive forests just east of SLC.

After the hugs we set up the RV, which didn’t take long as this was an electric only site. And since we arrived right at beer thirty, there was that to attend to as well.

Steinaker State Park was nice enough but there wasn’t much to do other than boating (which didn’t apply to us) so we spent most of our time hanging out at the campsite and taking the occasional walk down to the lake shore. There was a 3D archery range right next to the campground, but of course we didn’t bring our equipment. I actually had thought about bringing the bows but what were the odds we’d find a range nearby…

Another nice thing about Steinaker is that it’s very close to Dinosaur National Monument, we spent part of our one full day exploring that area. More on that in the next post.

On our final day in Utah we ended up leaving the campsite early to get a jump on the drive since Lana had some late morning meetings that we’d need to be stationary for. After a few hours of driving, we ended up stopping in at a little community park in Rock Springs, Wyoming for Lana to take her meetings and the kids to run around and play in the park’s small pool. As a bonus, there was also a fully enclosed baseball field for Boomer to burn off some energy.

After Rock Springs it was time to hit the road for Jackson, Wyoming. Similar to Utah, we got to experience some varied terrain in Wyoming. First it was the wide open plains, and then the mountain forests.

jackson? gosh. great cowboy town! double dog dare your kids to eat the deep fried “rocky mountain oysters” while you’re there. don’t tell them what they are
did you really make a boomer favicon?! LOL.
No rocky mountain oysters on this trip, but we we did have plenty of bison burgers. Linda, I’m sure it doesn’t surprise you that I made a Boomer favicon 😉