Lake Siskiyou was to be our last stop before heading back home. We tent camped at the Lake Siskiyou Camp Resort years ago, but this time we were coming back in style. We were originally scheduled to spend three nights at Lake Siskiyou but in typical fashion for us, since we were so close to home we decided to shorten our stay to just one night.

Our drive south from Oregon saw us pass through the area ravaged by the recent Salt fire. It looked like the fire was mostly under control, at least the air was fairly clear, but the land around the freeway was a blasted wasteland of burned out trees. Driving straight at the very impressive Mount Shasta, we could see several small fires still smoldering on its slopes.

Because we had left Crater Lake as early as we did, we pulled into our campsite with a couple of hours of light left to us. First thing to do after getting set up was a walk down to the lake for a quick dip, followed by another fruitless fishing session from the dock in front of the Marina. Our last time at the lake, this dock was magical and we limited out in under an hour, this time not so much as a nibble. One of the locals told us that the water was just too hot and the trout were hiding out in the deeper parts of the lake. Burgers for dinner once again (no one complained).
The next day, while Lana and I worked, the boys went down to the lake for another swim, and then gave fishing another shot, with the same results as the previous day.

Because we felt like we had gotten what we wanted from Lake Siskiyou (a relaxing evening, some swimming, and a bit of fishing) we decided to shorten our stay and head home. This desire to go home when we were getting close is something we all experienced on both of our extended trips. While there’s definitely allure to hitting the open road after sitting at home too long, it also works the other way around.

Like all good things, our trip was coming to an end. Some might say it was because we were getting home sick, others might say it was because my beard was getting too long and straggly, but either way, it was time to go home.

This trip saw us travel through 7 states. For the year, we traveled over 20,000 miles and visited a total of 20 states. Not too shabby for a family who hadn’t stepped foot in an RV before taking the leap to buy one last summer.

Love the scoreboard!!!! Great pictures. Welcome home. 🙂