Luck was with us last night as we drove into Jordanelle State Park just shy of midnight. The park was shut down for the night but they do allow late night campers like ourselves to drive in, pay, and find an open campsite. I’m not quite sure what would have happened if we didn’t find an open spot after dropping our monies down the slot in the unattended kiosk, but that didn’t come up as we managed to find a very nice lake side camp site.

Before we paid, we discussed whether or not to stay one or two nights, but since we were still undecided we only paid for one night, figuring we could always add another night if we wanted to. After a family meeting over breakfast we all decided that with us being relatively close to home, we were going to make an all out sprint to try to get home tonight.

We had also discussed some other options such as stopping in Lake Tahoe for a couple of days or trying to find a campsite in Yosemite. After some research it seems like most state parks in Tahoe are closed for the season and the one campsite that came up at Yosemite that could accommodate us disappeared in the few minutes we were discussing it. But the main thing is that I think we’re all just really ready to be home. This RV adventure has been amazing, but with the end in sight we’re ready for it to be over, it has been nearly two months since we left our house.

Before leaving Jordanelle we did make sure to take advantage of the park a little by going on a walk and trying our hand at fishing. Once again, we got skunked in the fishing department.

If we’re successful in making it home tonight it would be our longest drive of the trip by far, totaling about 803 miles and putting us home at you guessed it, right around Midnight.

UPDATE: After one hell of a drive we made it back home around midnight. For the record, Lana drove about 3/4 of the 800+ miles home.