Our stay at the AUX Arc campground right on the Arkansas River was very pleasant. Lana managed to reserve a spacious campsite about 30 feet away from the river. We spent two nights there which cost us a total of $36, this included electric and water hookups. I can’t help but think that a site like this in California would have cost 4 times as much, and probably booked out months in advance. This was an Army Corp of Engineers campground, which seem to have a good reputation in the camping community. Something to note for future bookings.
Our first night we learned about Arkansas bugs. While taking an evening stroll through the campground we noticed that most folks had some sort of bright light strategically placed away from their RVs. We thought these were decorative, but when we got back to our RV we noticed that the light directly outside of our door was teaming with veritable smorgasbord of flying bugs. Even though we were quick about getting inside, turning the light off, and closing the door, we spent the next 10 minutes vacuuming bugs that were flying around our interior lights. That’s right, in case you didn’t know you absolutely can vacuum up clouds of airborne bugs.
Our second day in Ozark, we experienced our first rain of the trip. Up until today we were able to spread out while schooling/working. Usually Lana and Liam would hang out inside while Josh and I worked outside, but today we were all stuck inside the RV. Even Boomer was impacted as he was used to going in and out of the RV on his lead, but today he had no desire to spend time in the rain. Overall it worked out just fine though.
We’re now off to Bull Shoals. Hopefully they have some stupid fish there.
I thought Arkansas was a flyover state.
ps. Go Raiders!
We’d never stepped foot in Arkansas before, but it quickly became one of the favorite states we’ve visited on this trip so far. If you live your whole life without visiting, you will have missed out on something. The boys say “Go Niners!”.